Day 3 | 21 Days THRIVOR Challenge

Welcome to Day 3 of your THRIVOR challenge! 🌞🌞🌞

For us to serve and support others, we first have to support ourselves.

“One can’t fill someones bucket, if ones own bucket is empty.”

This simple checklist, which you can start using in your daily life, will support you with just that. By filling our own buckets, we are able to fill others too!

How to use HEALTTH

If you’re feeling a little off – ask yourself… Am I Hungry? When last did I Earth? Am I Angry? Am I Lonely? Tired? Thirsty? And when last did I choose to be Happy?…

This is bound to unveil a deeper look – and as you recall from yesterday’s LLC tool – The Look, can lead to the Let-Go and the new Choice.

Have a lovely & self-caring FUNday! 🤗💕