Imagine being entertained by a TV show that fuels you with
Based on our WinWinWins methodology, this 13 part series supports local good-doers to achieve their dreams, while accelerating your self-development, as you learn thrive-tools from bold leaders.
We have completed all the filming requirements (and parts of the post production) and are looking for a final round of support to get us across the finish line!
If you would like THRIVORS to exist and co-create a thriving world with us, you are invited to get behind us.

Why we exist
To inspire humanity to live in a Win-Win-Wins way, so that ALL of life can thrive!
With our world in a complete transformation, the time to let go of our old survival story, and to consider and co-create a new thriving story, is now.
8 Thrivors
Handpicked leaders. Their individual challenges, and their inner and outer limitations, become an exciting edutaining experience.
21 Days
Staying in tents and living on a plant-based diet, our 8 Thrivors compete against limited time and their own egos.
We get to witness and learn powerful tools from our Thrivors on how to deal with our own limitations and what it takes to live happier and more fulfilling lives – with a deep joyous sense of purpose.
Showcasing our 8 inspiring Thrivors and the active citizens supporting them during these 21 days, takes our audience on an emotional rollercoaster, as we reveal how they use their short time together to positively effect the small town community, while dealing with their own fears and emotions.
Join us on this deeply emotional human experiment, a cinematic experience set to build hope locally and inspire a #thrivors movement globally.
Your Questions Answered
Join Season Two
Become a Brand Sponsor
In each Season we collaborate with brands who deeply align with our #WinWinWins methodology, assuring that every product shown on Thrivors (and seen by millions of people) is a not only a Win for the brand, but also customers Win and the world Wins too.
Join as a Thrivor
For each season we hand-pick 8 remarkable Thrivors who are masters of skills and you could be one of them. The process is simple. Once nominations for Season 2 are open, be sure to have people nominate you. Once nominated, your application process starts.
Join as a Venturer
We call the extraordinary humans, who are supporting our 8 Thrivors on their 21 day mission to do all the good they can, “Venturers”, and you could be one of them! Be sure to start the application process as early as possible. Head over to Soul Circus to learn more.

Thrivors online
21 Days
You can now have your own 21 Day Thrivor Experience with our hosts Nikki and Toto, where you will learn the knowledge and tools which deeply affected our 8 Thrivors during Season One.
This is your opportunity to be part of our very first online challenge. This transformational program is FREE and includes:
- 21 Daily Videos with Nikki and Toto
- Daily Meditation/ Visualization
- A Centering Thought for Each Day
- Powerful Thrive Tools as Infographics
- Lifetime Access