42 Cards
Order one of 250 limited edition THRIVORS 42 card sets and help us to raise the much needed R 125 000 to continue post-production of Season One.
- Goal: R 125 000 10.8%
250 Sets x R 500 = R 125 000

The 42 Cards
It’s not just a set of inspiring cards, it’s a continous self-development program for all to thrive!
Each card has a unique “Centering Thought” to support you on your personal Thrivor journey. There is also a Thrive manual booklet with a detailed description of each card’s meaning and thrive tools. In addition to this – each card has a unique QR code, giving you direct access to 42 transformative 10 minute guided visualisations across numerous platforms.

250 FIRST EDITION sets are being pre-sold, each one includes:
- Limited Edition Box
- 42 Cards & Visualizations
- Thrive Manual Booklet
- Hand-Signed by our Hosts Nikki & Toto
- Your Name in the Credits of Season 1
- PLUS a Secret Gift for Your Support!
R500 ($29)
– Shipping not included
– Delivery expected within 2 month, after reaching our goal.
– Only available to the first 250 pre-orders

Season One is currently in post-production and everyone who has seen the first few episode cuts is extremely excited about it!
We have stretched every possible resource for this dream to become a reality and we are in talks with possible sponsors as well as Netflix distributors. However, wheels turn slowly and the full season one (9 episodes) has to be polished before it can go on air anywhere. And for that, we ask for your help.
YES! This is a Win Win Wins opportunity to support us with much needed cash flow to complete the first season of Thrivors – Thank you in advance!
EFT Bank Details
Thrivors Productions (pty) Ltd.
Branch: Tokai
Acc Number: 1203347677
Branch Code: 198765
Swift Code: NEDSZAJJ
(!!!) Reference:
42 Cards + Your Name (same as submitted on the order form)