High concept reality docuseries featuring 8 local and global leaders as they collaborate with local youth to UPlift, enthuse HOPE and edu-tain en masse.
What is Thrivors
Thrivors is a thrilling, uplifting docu-series, following the Story Of Unconditional Love (SOUL) Circus, for 21 days at a time. We document 8 awe-inspiring leaders, as they celebrate and enrich local communities, while they mentor local youth leaders and good-doers to achieve their dreams. Ultimately, with each season and 21 day experience, we support the participants and viewers self-development in an entertaining way, while inspiring the next generation of bold leaders to co-create a thriving world.
THRIVOR Challenge
FREE 21 Day Online Experience
You can now have your own 21 Day Thrivor Experience, where you will learn the knowledge and tools which deeply affected our 8 Thrivors during Season 1.
This is your opportunity to be part of our very first online challenge. Sign up for FREE and you will receive:
*** 21 Daily Videos + Thrive Tools ***
*** Life-Time Access ***
Meet Season 1’s Thrivors
Marshall Rinquest
Meet the delightful Climate Reality leader, Musician and Environmental Educator that is the leader of Greyton Transition Town, Marshall Rinquest. Active since his youth in environmental care, this earth warrior teaches permaculture and holistic management for the benefit of the whole human and nature ecosystem. From Food Security to Waste Management to Humane and Environmental education – this change maker is a gift to the Thrivor team.
Dr. Jasmine Gercke
Shamila Ramjawan
Mrs Johannesburg 2019, Queen innovator, Entrepreneurship Lecturer at Unisa, Play Your Part Ambassador for Brand South Africa and glamorous mother.
We are thrilled to have you with us Shamila and congratulations on your 6th global award – you are truly one of SADC Pan Africa’s Most Influential Women in Business, making a sustainable impact with PrincessD Menstrual Cup – with such grace, in the lives of girls and women globally!
Vuyisa Qabaka
Manisha Ramdhin
Jillian Lambert
Peter Takelo
Mandisi Sindo
Perfect time to meet the unstoppable Dr Disi – Lead SA Hero, the Performance Artivist, director and award-winning founder of Shack Theatre and Theatre 4 Change Arts Project. This extra-ordinary leader holds the grand dream of giving voice to the voiceless and ultimately inspiring theatre and arts to pop up everywhere to support the “Inspiring the uninspired, Informing of the uninformed and the educating the uneducated
Survivor to Thrivor
Right NOW – the state of our world shows us, it’s clear we need bold maneuvers to swiftly change mindsets and activate masses of citizens to take care of self, each other and our world.
Noticing how our hearts and minds are deeply affected through our screens, we realized with “THRIVORS”, we could accelerate access to the tools needed – for us all to shift our individual mindset’s – from survive into thrive.
Dreams enthuse hope, hope inspires action, actions create results – and results inspire more dreams and increase thrive-ability…
First Location
Railton Community, Swellendam
Follow us on
Facebook: @thrivorsTV
Instagram: @thrivorsTV